Sunday, February 21, 2010

The ultimate guide to working at home-The ultimate guide to working at home-Review

So you want to start working at home, all I have to say is good luck!!! If you haven’t done your homework, you will waste a lot of money, time and tears. There are lot’s of things you will have to consider, things like how much money do you have available to blow before you call it quits. I have been looking online for something that I can do to make a comfortable income, I have been pulled into really stupid scams and systems, that people, have promoted as legitimate businesses I’ve spent about 2/3 of the money that I set aside to start this thing. It took a while for me to see that this isn’t easy I haven’t researched anything very well. So I have stopped everything and refused these offers that I have been getting from people about starting a work at home online business, and looking at just what am I expecting from this awful ordeal.
After sucking on my thumb for a couple of day’s, and calling out for help from my mommy.
I sat in the corner with my dunce cap on and realized, that I didn’t do the basics before starting my own online business.
If you are going to try this thing for yourself here is what I did to look at what I want to do.
Click here for the Ultimate guide to working at Home

Remember what you are starting is a regular business; it’s just using a different interface to reach out to your customers.
Here is a handy Ebook that can give you some great ideas on working at home and how to do it.

Click here for the Ultimate guide to working at Home

When people tell you that you, “could become very wealthy, make six figures, buy a fancy car, a big house, and retire early.” Be afraid, be very afraid, grab your wallet and pull out your gun, because the person who is going to make the money isn’t going to be you. Put your credit card away, and research his claim’s. U-tube has lots of stuff to help you.
Don’t believe the fantastic claims remember, “If, it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”
Watch out for the 4-letter word “F-R-E-E” almost nothing is

Ask yourself a these questions (these are just some of them):
1. What can I sell (what are people buying)?
2. How can I let people know I exist and I have really great stuff?
3. Where am I going to put my store?
4. What will my store look like?
5. How will I sell my goods (affiliate, drop shipping, retail, or wholesale)?
6. Who will I use to process my credit cards (merchant accounts)?
7. Do I need to become a Corporation (I guess I need a plan of action)?
8. Am I going to do this full time (can I do it after work in the evening and weekends)?
9. Do I have enough money (billions and billions), how will I finance this?
10. How long can I do this before I’ll give up (do I have the intestinal fortitude to succeed)?
11. Will this destroy my current life style (cause a divorce, get disowned)?
12. Do I need computer skills (that I don’t have) to do this (where can I go for training)?

This decision will be life changing
Click here for the Ultimate guide to working at Home